The Opportunity


Carbon Mineral Interest (CMI) Unit1 Opportunity


NOTE:  "Financial and legal decisions should be made with the advice and counsel of a CPA or Attorney of your choosing. No specific financial performance is guaranteed. Earnings are subject to project success and market conditions; thus, participants should only use disposable income or funds they can afford to subject to risk."

1) Party A2 may purchase, subject to the approval of the project management group, any number of the available Carbon Mineral Interest (CMI) Units3 at a 20% discount4 in the Non-profit Foundation’s5 Raven Coal Project holdings. The Foundation's Mineral Holdings in the Raven Seam of Coal6 is valued at $1.5 Trillion USD7 and are held as part of the endowment assets of the Foundation and stand as security for this project and its participants.

2)  The Mining operation managing the development of this project has been leased to a Mine Management & Mineral Holding Company and taking the opportunity to market is being managed by a Carbon & Rare Earth Brokerage.

3) Each CMI Unit is valued at $375 and is being sold for $300 USD, a 20% discount, resulting in a potential of $75 per ton profit once the Coal is taken to market.8 Under our conservative development model, the resale of the CMI Units at market, on behalf of the Participant, places the projected realization of profits at 36 months or less.  

  • 5 Units may be purchased for $1,875, resulting in a profit of $375, once the coal is taken to market; 
  • 10 Units for $3,750, resulting in $750 profit, once the coal is taken to market; 
  • 50 Units for $18,750, resulting in $3,750 profit, once the coal is taken to market, 
  • 100 Units for $37,500, resulting in $7,500 profit, once the coal is taken to market, 
  • 500 Units for $187,500 resulting in $37,500 profit, once the coal is taken to market,
  • 1000 Units for $375,000 resulting in $75,000 profit, once the coal is taken to market, 
  • 5000 Units for $1,875,000 resulting in $375,000 profit, once the coal is taken to market, etc.

4) The sale of CMI Units is subject to the absolute right of the Brokerage to represent the purchaser as their agent to take the Coal to market. CMI Units are backed by the total coal assets and mineral holdings leased by the Foundation to the Mine Management & Mineral Holding Company.

5) Market rates and ranges affect the resale of coal.  CMI Unit purchasers, the "Opportunity" participants, assume the risks and rewards of dips and downturns in the market, as well as the associated benefits from upturns and increases in market value and price. 

6) The Brokerage agrees to pay the Foundation, and the Foundation will in turn settle with the Purchaser at the full market value as the coal is taken to the market. The Brokerage in coordination with the Mining Company agrees to engage in good faith in choosing the proper time and amount of coal to take to market.

7) The Mine Management and Mineral Holding Company shall set the percentage of mined coal from the whole of the operation designated to retire presold coal.  That percentage shall be set to facilitate the quickest return to project participants, as long as it does not create a detriment to the sustainability of the operation, or an unnecessary loss to the participant. 

Disclaimer: Financial and legal decisions should be made with the advice and counsel of a CPA or Attorney of your choice. No specific financial performance is guaranteed. Earnings are subject to market conditions and project success; thus, participants should only use disposable income.

Learn more about Raven Mining; go to:

Learn more about AACCTTSS; go to: 

  • 1The word "Unit" for this opportunity shall be construed and interpreted to represent the numerical value of 1 (one) only and does not indicate "unitizing" as defined under Regulation D, Section 506, et al for the purposes of identifying a security.
  • 2Party A is any individual or entity desiring to acquire an ownership interest in a carbon/coal mineral holding.
  • 3One Carbon Mineral Interest (CMI) Unit equals one standard American short-ton of coal from the whole of the Raven Seam of Coal under our management.  Raven coal is currently valued at $375 USD per clean short ton and is being sold at a 20% discount for $300.
  • 4The 20% discount reflects the fact that the project is in development and the minerals are in their natural state.
  • 5The Foundation is a 25+ year historic federally pre-determined tax-exempt 501C3 faith-based charitable nonprofit corporation located in Virginia and engaged in global and domestic work, specifically focusing on the Appalachian poor. This project is to increase their charitable capacity and develop dormant endowment assets.
  • 6“The Raven” is the largest virtually untapped environmentally advantageous Metallurgical Coal deposit in the USA.
  • 7The Foundation owns a portion of, and through that ownership controls the gateway property for access to, 1800 Sq Miles or 1,152,000 mineral acres of Raven metallurgical coal (depth 5.5 feet) = 9570 tons per acre (conservatively adjusted to 9000 for this calculation to account for any unforeseen variances in seam depth or other geological properties), or 10.368 billion tons X 80% recovery X $375 (the current market price of an American Standard Short Ton or 2000 lbs.) X 50% (the Cost of Extraction) = $1.555 trillion.
  • 8The purchase and sale price of the CMI Unit in this presentation is only an illustrative example and, although it is accurate as of the time of this publication, the actual purchase and sale price will be established by the market at the time of sale.  The compete process from the time of purchase to the realization of profit is anticipated to occur, based on our current development model, within 36 months or less from the time a Unit is purchased.